
venerdì 19 gennaio 2018

Rosegal Valentine's Day Gifts 2018

It’s soon Valentine’s day, and it’s a special day for many. Some of you might go for a romantic date or spend time with your boyfriend or girlfriend. But there are many people who are not going on a date or have a boyfriend or girlfriend, who must find other ways to spend the day. For instance, the girls can arrange a sleepover party while the guys can arrange a bachelor party. But whatever you plan on Valentine’s day. There might be some of you who don’t know what to wear on that day. To help you along the way, we decided to write a Valentine’s Day outfit guidebook, where you can get inspiration and advice on what you can wear on that day. We decided to divide it into three parts: 1. outfit for dating for boyfriends, 2. Sisters installed outfits, 3. Outfit for bachelor party. We hope that this Valentine’s Day guidebook is helpful, and we wish everyone to have wonderful and great Valentine’s day filled with love and happiness. 

1.Outfits for dating for boyfriends
We picked out these dresses which you can wear for a date. They are very romantic. It’s important to wear a dress which is comfortable and which you feel confident in. We think that colors like Red or Black are perfect colors to wear for Valentine’s day. Red is associated with romance while black is associated with something mysterious. For accessories you can for instance wear earrings and necklaces with pearls or diamond details. Just dress to impress, keep it simple with not too many details and let your personality shine through.

Outfit 1:


2. Sister installed outfits:
We picked out these sister installed outfits. If you don’t have a boyfriend, not found a date and all your friends are other plans. If you are lucky to have a sister, who doesn’t have plans on that day. You can make plans together! For instance, go shopping together, making cupcakes, watch a movie or go to a party. It would be a lot of fun if you wore matching dresses in different colors.

3. Outfits for bachelor party:
We picked out these outfits to wear for a bachelor party. It’s supposed to be a fun occasion, and a great opportunity to dress up a little.At this party, there are single men and women. This is a good opportunity for you who are still single. So you have to dress yourself. Make yourself look more attractive. A great suit would go well.
Outfit 1:

6 commenti:

  1. ottimi sconti che utilizzerò anche io per acquistare in questo ricco store.

  2. guarda potessi scegliere uscirei con mia sorella quella sera..l'outfit bianco e nero è il mio preferito!

  3. adoro i tronchetti rossi del primo outfit sono molto glam e sembrano anche comodissimi

  4. col terzo outfit se sei single non lo sarai a lungo..davvero molto femminile e adoro la clutch con le perline

  5. l'abito rosso mi piace troppo, lo trovo l'ideale per san valentino devo proprio prenderne uno, corro a dare un occhiata

  6. l'abito rosso mi piace troppo, lo trovo l'ideale per san valentino devo proprio prenderne uno, corro a dare un occhiata


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