Many pregnant women
are asking why fetals move. One of
the best miracles in this world is a woman having a baby. It is an exciting
feeling when a woman feels the baby kicking inside her womb.
This fetal
movement makes you realize that you have a live person inside your belly and it
is really wonderful feeling the only pregnant women experience.
Most pregnant women
are anxious and often ask when they will expect the baby to kick for the first
time. There is no specific time when the baby will kick for the first time but
it usually occurs between the 16th and 25th week of a woman’s pregnancy.
Most first
pregnancies feel the first kick when they get near the 25th week. But if you
have multiple previous pregnancies, you may feel the kick earlier. The baby’s
first movement is called “quickening” and it is mostly felt when the woman is
sitting or lying down.
Timeframe when to expect
an initial quickening
During the 12th
week of pregnancy, the baby starts to move around but you won’t probably feel
it because the fetus is tiny. At the 16th week, you may feel butterfly flutters
inside your stomach. Between the 20th and the 24th week, you can feel the baby
move and you may even feel baby hiccups.
During the 28th
week, the baby is more active. You will definitely feel stronger kicks and
maybe some jabs. As the weeks go by, the movement slows down. This is because
as the baby grows, the uterus gets crowded because the baby occupies more
What does it feel
like when the baby moves?
The woman may not
notice that the baby moves and she mistakes it for hunger or even gas. But
during the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy, the woman will definitely know for
sure if it is a baby movement or not. You will feel the force that the baby
exerts, you may even distinguish it if it is a jab, kick or elbow.
It is advisable to
talk to the baby even when he is still in the womb because babies can respond
to sounds and touches outside the womb. As the baby grows, you will feel the
movement more often than usual and the force that he exerts is much greater.
According to some studies, babies move 30 times in an hour and this occurs
mostly in the 3rd trimester. Babies also need to rest and when they are not
moving, they are probably sleeping.
Monitor your baby’s
movement timeframe
Unfortunately for
pregnant women, babies are more active between the hours of 9 pm to 1 am.
Babies tend to be active during these times because of the blood sugar levels
of a pregnant woman change. This will definitely disrupt your sleeping patterns
so you need to make some adjustments to your sleeping time to get enough rest
and have a healthy pregnancy.
The baby’s movement
is an indicator of his health. Take note of your fetal movement count to
monitor your baby’s health. These are some of the facts why fetals move and
experiencing it first hand is really a great experience.
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