
martedì 15 gennaio 2019

Where to buy online leather business card holder.

The business card is the easiest way to introduce yourself,to make good impression and be remembered above all,in short, it is a small formidable and excellent marketing tool.

Although if we live now in a technology society that runs fast, the business cards will never go out of fashion, because they always have their charm but above all because they are essential to better promote ourselves.

You have to think that in Japan the business cards have a key role in relational, when you introduce yourself to an unknown person, the exchange of business cards takes place, everything happens as if it were a dance, it is a real ritual called Meishi where we bow down accompanied by other various steps to give and receive the business card to the newly-known person.

In addition the business cards in Japan are always treated with due respect, and above all they must be kept inside to beautiful Card case holder leather business card, never store business cards in your pocket or wallet because it would be an explicit sign of rudeness.

The undersigned also has his own business card and he had long been looking for a new Card case holder leather business card, but I wanted one that was not boring and banal  but above all fully reflected my personality.

By now all of you well know that I love the bright colors, but just look at my blog to understand and above all to imagine what the color you prefer,and if you do not understand it right now I write it to you, it's pink.

 And it's a lovely pink color that I found on Amazon an adorable, cute and elegant leather business card holder houses the brand FYY.

It is small but capacious, in fact it can hold up to 30 business cards, It is made of PU and has a comfortable magnetic closure, It is very light and has a refined design, moreover it is made entirely by hand, Also I love the little bow that gives it a touch of elegance.

The business card holder houses from the wonderful pastel pink color will be my new workmate, thanks to its refined look and absolutely perfect for myself.

Before say greeting you, I invite you to take a look at the Fyy Pinterest profile where you can see all the beautiful and very original creations handamade.

13 commenti:

  1. grazie per questa review super dettagliata in cui ci mostri questo favoloso porta biglietti da visita che trovo molto originale e superbo a dir poco.

  2. molto bello e super originale, nel tuo blog scopro sempre nuovi favolosi prodotti tutti da acquistare di corsa ma soprattutto ad occhi chiusi.

  3. wow ma è favoloso, piace anche a me, se lo compro lo utilizzerei ogni giorno poco ma sicuro

  4. corro subito nello store a vedere il suo costo, mi piace molto e lo acquisterò sicuramente, grazie per la recensione come sempre super dettagliata.

  5. bellissimo e anche molto utile è davvero molto bello secondo me, ottima scelta e bella recensione.

  6. Bellissimo ed utilissimo da tenere sempre in borsa.

  7. Da te scopro sempre bellissime novità e questo è proprio ciò che cercavo

  8. Un portabiglietti davvero bello,
    Ideale da avere sempre in borsa

  9. È davvero bellissimo mi piace molto anche Viola uno dei miei colori preferiti

  10. il rosa è uno dei miei colori preferiti amo molto questo borsello bello bello

  11. ma che bella novita ' sia per forma che per colore vado sul sito a dare un occhiata sei sempre molto utile per il mio shopping

  12. questo porta documenti mi piace moltissimo poi i fiocchi sono i miei accessori preferiti adoro bravissima come sempre

  13. Troppo troppo carino, rispecchia in pieno il mio stile romantico e bon-ton:lo voglio!


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